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user-inactivated  ·  3114 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Link to shop update

Oh hey I missed this. Why d'you think the college crowd isn't making it in? Do they have an in-house coffee shop maybe? Or maybe your place doesn't have the right vibes for them? What's your wifi/outlet/tablespace situation like, if it exists? Six blocks might also be a bit far for coffee but I dunno.

Have you considered setting up a little give-and-take book exchange? My old college coffee shop had one, it was fun.


mk -- another mention/request for some sort of setting where certain tags (say, coffeewithcgod) get stuck with a higher priority in your feed so you're more assured of seeing them. Either an auto-pin for 24 hours, or just an adjustment to the algorithm. I've run this by you in the past but I can't remember what you said if anything.