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    "Christian" is now synonymous with "anti-gay bigot."

I can't wait for this to go away, but I'm not sure it will. (How's the Muslim/terrorist association going?)

While pointing out hypocrisy is interesting, remember that there are only two consistent resolutions. Either Christianity forbids both homosexuality and divorce, or it allows both. So if you're trying to make an argument that Christianity accepts homosexuality, you should be very careful about using Christianity to argue that there's something wrong with divorce.

Of course, this is orthogonal to whether there are other reasons that something's wrong.

A simple non-religion-based rule about relationships that most people would probably agree with is: "when in an intimate relationship with one person, do not have any intimate contact with anyone else". (Polyamory, swinging, and open relationships are statistically insignificant so I will ignore them). By this rule, we can still judge the woman, but note that the divorces are irrelevant except to help position the other events relative to each other.

In conjunction with this rule, I can find some small sympathy for homophobes. If they cannot imagine ever not being involved in a heterosexual relationship, then it would (seem to) follow (to them) that any homosexual relationship would be cheating. This impression is not helped by the existence of "cover marriages".

But personally my favorite argument against trying to enforce an interpretation of Christianity via law is "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Talking about the separation of church and state as described by America's founders is futile.