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Thanks for the reply. I agree with much of it.

    I want my conversation tracking graph back.
-We all do. I don't think this was an intentional thing. When mk gets back, we'll put that at the top of the list. I miss it for the same reasons you do. It's a good feature.

    if you intend to monetize Hubski and accept donations, you need a way to convert those donations back into something of value. This pretty much demonstrates that you see a donation model as a stopgap on the way to profitability
I hear you. I'm not sure that "profitability" is the goal, but sustainability is. If we are to continue to put the amount of time we put in to this place, eventually it needs to become my full time pursuit or I will keep getting fired from my jobs. No joke.

I don't see user donations getting us there, but perhaps I'm wrong. I would also be glad to take a SUBSTANTIAL pay cut in order to make Hubski my full time pursuit. The way I was thinking about it was very much akin to the NPR model, where only 34% of the operating funds come from the public:

Also, I'm literally just spit-balling, which I know YOU know, but anyone else reading this, don't get freaked out. None of this is in the works, I'm just thinking transparently with you all.