I don't think it makes sense to crow about abuse of the CoC until it actually starts happening. And since we're talking about Github, any alleged abuses of the CoC will be in public, permanent. Just like all the other discussions that occur on Github projects. Two things could happen at some point in the future: 1. Someone abuses the CoC and gets a project pulled off github for offending them in some "trivial" way, and Github turns into a SJW dystopia with mandatory estrogen injections for all project admins. 2. Someone CORRECTLY uses the CoC to file a complaint, and then gets harassed and stalked and driven out of tech because of it. 2 is far more likely than 1, and I think you know that. What does that say about the trade-offs this CoC makes? I don't think it'll be difficult to filter out CoC abusers from legitimate complains. Do you have trouble doing that?