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OftenBen  ·  3252 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I Was a Proud Non-Breeder. Then I Changed My Mind.

Ok, first impression

    I have mixed feelings about making dads out of dead men, particularly if they hadn’t donated their sperm while living

Holy shit we should not be doing that.

    Then — in a development that shocked me despite being completely predictable — I got pregnant,

So in this case having a kid was NOT, and fairly emphatically NOT a choice. It was an accident. A miscarriage is a terrible thing, but she doesn't say a damn thing about what actually changed her mind, and changed 'I accidentally got pregnant' into the affirmative 'I am going to try to get pregnant again.'

Her mind changed, but what seemed to have changed it was getting pregnant on accident. Which I would cynically attribute to hormone induced brain changes coupled with the trauma of miscarriage.