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ButterflyEffect  ·  3305 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "Independent Study" - Discussion Thread

I watched The Running Man and oh boy...

Arnold doesn't want to kill a bunch of civilians in an autocratic world where criminals are set against each other in a nationally broadcast gameshow, The Running Man. There are gladiators that try to kill these criminals, and Arnold is trying to free himself and two friends and expose the show for it is blah blah fucking blah there is so much spandex, guns, Arnold, a guys head blows up from some sort of collar thing, a pseudo-bondage scene with Maria Alonso who fucks Arnold over in the film and then saves him because OF COURSE THE GOVERNMENT KEEPS THE EVIDENCE THAT THEY FRAMED ARNOLD IN AN EASY TO ACCESS LOCATION AND OF COURSE SHE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY IT TO EVERYBODY.

Fucking 'A it was an entertaining movie if only for the Sub Zero scene alone (not the Sub Zero you're all thinking of).