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Trying to parse all the things that count as white privilege is difficult. Opportunity is the biggest component, but I don't think it's the only one. I once got pulled over making a right on a no turn on red. From the left hand turn lane. At 2:00 am. After just having left the bar. Where I had drank probably 8 beers (mas o menos). And I couldn't find my registration. Or my proof of insurance. What happened next? The cop gave me directions, and sent me on my way. Seriously. True story. Maybe he was not very good at his job, or maybe I was a very good actor, but either way the default position is to trust me. I don't think a black guy in that circumstance would've received the benefit of the doubt. It's not just unequal opportunity, but also unequal protection that defines whiteness, I guess is my point.