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thenewgreen  ·  3508 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League

    What your parents will say, what anyone else says, should not matter.
I think this is dangerous advice. Often, the people in our lives that provide feedback do so from a genuine and well informed perspective. This should matter.

Nobody should abandon their genuine desires or ambitions just because somebody says so, but they ought to consider many points of view prior to making a large life decision. That's just common sense and whether or not you realize it, for most people the ones that will care the most about you for the majority of your life are your parents. Not all parents are bastions of wisdom, but not all are stifling control freaks either. It's good to have an openness to advice IMO, especially from those that know you best.