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You are taking the words of a small majority and saying they are a large majority.

EVERY racist comment on that thread is downvoted. Are you really going to tell me reddit is racist when clearly racist shit that is not taken as a joke is downvoted?

Perhaps reddit is insensitive, too keen to upvote things that may be racist but also appear to be lighthearted jokes, but that doesn't make reddit a bunch of racists. That is you making generalizations.

"And reddit tacitly endorses this by letting any bigot spout their insanity and hiding behind the protection of free speech as if this gives some moral high ground. "

They always hate the free speech, until the day comes that they are the ones who want to be speaking.

Reddit isn't letting things happen under the guise of free speech. Reddit lets stuff happen because of a belief that through an open market of ideas, where everyone can speak without censorship, those who are wrong will become downvoted and disliked.

"The fact is, if your only defense for your argument is that it isn't illegal to say what you are saying, then your argument is pretty weak."

You, again, make massive generalizations for the sake of feeling superior about yourself.

I don't agree with the stuff either, but it's not nearly as one sided as you make it out to be.

"Ultimately, reddit is a private website and obviously the owners can do whatever they want with it. This something that its users cannot seem to fathom in many cases. "

Ultimately, reddit is a business, and people use the internet because it's a free and open place to discuss and have ideas. Start banning the ones you don't like and you kill that entire notion. Kill that notion and people will go elsewhere. Reddit isn't some safe place where only good things can be said. It's a cut-throat system that is designed to show you when you are wrong, not by a moderator, but by your peers.

"False equivalence much? "

"Watch how quickly posts criticizing something 'all women do' gets upvoted"

Oh, yes, i'm sure those comments were downvoted because they were supporting equality, not because they were being hasty and acting superior/demeaning to all parties reading. I've seen some of the shit that gets downvoted because it "criticizes all women do" and it's almost never because it's criticizing.

What I was doing is pointing out the flaws in your own logic. The fact that subs exists that are stormfront proves nothing of reddit being stormfront focused. Hell, I bet if you compare sub counts the feminist subs outnumber the stormfront ones by a large margin.

I can't tell however, because /r/stormfront is god damned hilarious.