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teamramonycajal  ·  3643 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Does the Internet Hate Self-Promotion?

Right, so you're expecting me to be a mind-reader (I'm not even remotely familiar with Tucker Max beyond him being known for being a dickhead) and to have played Animal Crossing (I'm not a gamer, never really was). Good job.

    You know what quote never gets thrown in my face on this one?

There are much more illustrative ones. I don't need to use that one.

    every third virgin on the internet

See that again? Not only expecting to be a mind-reader and a gamer but also a virgin. I'm not, but I didn't see that as relevant.

    you didn't mention the image I'm responding to

I saw it. It's dreary, it's stupid, but it's just a couple of people being morons and expecting people - in this case, men - to read their minds when in fact people's actions aren't always THAT telling of their motivations. Subtext only goes so far. I didn't think it was worth commenting on, for my own part. What WAS worth commenting on was your response in which you, I guess, expect people to stretch their necks through the internet and understand you crystal-clear.

It's trite as fuck to note this, but that's because it's true - sarcasm carries poorly on the internet, and in this case, were it not for you TELLING me that this was a satire, it really does look for all the world like an idiot complaining about another set of idiots and everybody's idioting for different reasons.

Now let's get to this last point:

    I also want you to consider this: Your entire sexual mentality is based around ritual, flirtation, compromise, subterfuge and other things straight out of a Danielle Fucking Steele book. Our sexual mentality, on the other hand, is grab & fuck. Not to put too fine a point on it, but a half dozen generations ago you bitches were de-facto property. If we wanted in your pantaloons we'd fucking ask your dad, not you. So next time you get all catty and bitchy about shit, remember that we're dealing with our instincts in your world and try not to be too fucking complicated about it. 'cuz you know what? We might just decide you aren't fucking worth it.

Original highlighting reproduced. Notice that I did not highlight the first two sentences. Also, I highlighted the last one.

    So next time you get all catty and bitchy about shit, remember that we're dealing with our instincts in your world and try not to be too fucking complicated about it. 'cuz you know what? We might just decide you aren't fucking worth it.

There it is again.

And I said this:

    Is a world where both sexes are treated like people suddenly a world belonging to women?

So I ask you again. Is it?

You are remarkably full of yourself.