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humanodon  ·  3673 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: This Has Not Been a Good Day, and It's Only 2:00 p.m.

Not my pig unfortunately. I actually had to sell ol' Squeak a few years back. He got too big for his enclosure and was wandering up the mountain I lived on more and more and one day he slid down the face of the mountain and got stuck in a crack. He was ok, after I got some buddies to help me lift him out (he weighed about 250 lbs. at that point), but what with the rainy season (and the intense storms that can happen) it was only a matter of time before he fell and really hurt himself.

The thing is, there's no vet that would have been able to patch him up where I was living, so I did the hard thing and sold him, which sadly means that he was slaughtered and eaten. :(

It sounds cruel, but there were no real options and I hope you'll believe me when I say I thought long and hard about how it could be avoided, but that's the way it had to go.

I would like to get another pig when I live in a place where I won't have to make those kinds of choices: they can be the most companionable animals and have so much personality.

I'd love it if I could have a pig and a dog that got along really well, like these two. Squeak made my old dog (who is still alive and lives with my friend) his bitch (not sexually) and would always steal the dog's food and try to eat his tail.