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Kafke  ·  3741 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is your MBTI Personality Type, and what are your functions?

    I noticed the tendency to attribute their mistakes to their label: oh, they didn't get their work done, it must be because of [insert generalized character trait here]

Again, MBTI measures personality. There is nothing inherently good or bad about any of them. Everyone can learn to do everything. It's just different ways of thinking and reacting to information.

    M-B is a similar simplification. I can understand that you want to use it to predict behaviour, but I doubt it's effectivity. For one, it's a binary approach to character traits. I'm not an introvert nor an extrovert; it is a spectrum, not ones and zeroes. But there's no middle ground in the system.

Yes, the letters are a clear distinction, but if you read more into it, you find that within each typing, there are various levels of development. Some people are better at handling things in a certain way than others. Nothing is inherently "better", just different. My S/N letter is fairly weak. And it almost could go anyway (if I were to follow the tests). The tests are there to give you an idea of where you fall, not to determine your type. Which is why most of them provide percentages and probabilities.

    I can understand why it is good for yourself, as a critical self-assessment. And it is nice that you found out that you have suppressed a part of you that you hadn't questioned before (or not as deeply as now).

That's the whole point.

    I just don't see it as a tool to get 'great insight on people and how they behave'. It is too deterministic, the assessments are mediocre at best, and I found that line of thinking to be harmful to my perspective of people. The categories are binary and restrictive. No, I don't think it is a great perspective into another person's mind.

I don't see it that way. I see it as a naming convention for a system I had already used in my mind.

    What exactly are you trying to say here? I am not disinterested, I'm just not convinced of Myers-Briggs as anything more than a facebook-questionnaire.

Well, not quite. Facebook-questionaires really have nothing to do with categorizing based on personality. They usually have random pointless questions, and 90% of which I can't answer because the creator failed to include certain options. MBTI has a category for each type of person. and doesn't rely on a single quiz to determine placement. I linked to one such way of determining your type (I thought it was the most accurate I've found), but you certainly don't need the quiz/test in order to do so. It's a categorization system, not a quiz.

As for your confusion to my comment, let me restate: I'm pretty much the most introverted person I know. Yet, I find some extraverted people (not all, and definitely not most) seem to just make me "click" and I can easily be myself and converse.

Up until now, I had no clue why that would be the case. I typically dislike people (even other introverts) and tend to keep to myself. Reading into MBTI and socionics (which is slightly different than MBTI), I now understand why this is the case. It's also able to accurately describe how I think, as well as why I'd do something a certain way.

It's scarily accurate. Some other ISTP typed people decided to come up with a wiki. And it pretty much felt like I was reading a biography of myself. How would that even be possible if MBTI was, as you put it, nothing more than a facebook-questionaire? Most people who also determine their type (and ensure it is the correct typing) also say similar things. You can't really do that with generic Facebook quizzes.