How about Bubamara ? Or is it in your list under a different name? Apparently the song was a traditional Serbian song which was translated into Romani by Dragan Ristic. I don't know much about it apart from the fact that it sounded great in "Black cat, White cat" by Kusturica. I'll go look for more songs, i love folk music :) We have a great band in town called "Roma Carnivale" that do a great take on Bubamara. It's a bit more hardcore than usual: Update: Ukrainian Горіла сосна, палала and This version by Воплі Відоплясова is my favorite. It's a great band. Ой ти, Галю, Галю молодая Ти ж мене пiдманула Червона рута Ой, чорна я си чорна Russian очи черные катюша Polish Hej Sokoly (I think the Ukranians have this song too)