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michael  ·  3805 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: On Cyborgs, Laws, and Planetary Behaviour

Don't ants and termites have technoculture? Does our being "the/a global brain" imply that we destroy our lifebase and deplete our renewable and nonrenewable ressources? Doesn't our failure to address our most basic problems, like overusage, pollution, urban sprawl and agricultural soil loss, testify to our "brainlessness" and lack of insightful coordination, in spite of our new "global nervous system", the internet? It appears to me that your analogies are spectacularly anthropocentric and ignorant of even the most obvious. Richard Heinberg compares our collective global intelligence with that of a population of bacteria in a petri dish, its population collapsing after its food/energy base is depleted. Our food/energy bases now are soil and oil, and we are rapidly depleting both of them, incurring increasing environmental dammages. www.albartlett.org