“If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
“If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
“If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
“What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
“Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
“All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
“Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
“The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
“When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
“Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
“If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
“Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
All Jews are Zionists, because to be a Jew, the Jew must follow all of the above.
Jews will try to obscure their perpetration by claiming there is such a thing as Ashkenazi Jews, Khazars Jews, Zionist Jews...etc. Proof:
The truth is that all Jews believe the psychopathic commandments listed above, and that is the whole entire problem. End of story.
Because these beliefs written in the Talmud are what the Jew believes, or is at least completely aware of, when the Jew finds himself facing a moral question dealing with Goyim, the Jew will balance toward robbing and scamming the Goyim if and when it is in his favor, since, according to the Talmud, which every Jew must follow, moral action need not apply when dealing with the Goyim.
For instance, if a Jew needs money, and wants to sell a car with bad breaks, he won’t tell you the breaks are bad, he will just sell you the car at full price and let you find out yourself, since you are Goyim. Or, if you lose something, and the Jew finds it and its something he needs, he will steal it from you, since you are Goyim. It is so much easier to just do the evil exploitive thing rather than the moral thing, which takes more work, and the Talmud clearly advocates that the Jew do such things to the Goyim for the advancement of the Jew.
This Jew psychopathic mindset is beginning to infect many other politicians who are not even Jews, because they learned through associating with the Jew to treat you like a Jew treats Goyim, one reason is probably because they think they are superior since they are in public office and you aren’t.
Understand the amount of damage a Jew, or any other politician infected with this psychopathic mindset will cause. You can already see it occurring in government, i.e. the outright lies, the Police State, bringing police to Israel to train is the reason cops are acting much more psychopathically; Fluoride in the water - a way to dispose of chemical waste by selling it and making the Goyim stupid; Chemtrails and GMO - also meant to make the Goyim stupid, sterilized, unhealthy, and therefore dependent and easy to control; and taking away Constitutional Rights from the Goyim in the name of fighting intentionally manufactured fake situations like “Global Warming” and “Terrorist Threat”.
All these make it easier to control the Goyim, and these evils being enacted are OK, because they only effect the Goyim of course. Further, killing mass numbers of Goyim for population control in Africa is no moral dilemma to the Jew, since they are only Goyim of course. Clearly, other politicians can become infected with this mindset, you have Joe Biden exclaiming that he is a Zionist, and he is not even a Jew.
Doing 9/11 was no problem for the Jew, only the Goyim died, no Jews. Therefore, doing 9/11 was never a moral issue for the Jew at all. The Jew did the same when attacking the USS Liberty.
As you can see, this very psychopathic mindset of the Jew has infected government to the very core by infecting many politicians. We are seeing the government making all this policy that perfectly reflects this Jew psychopathic mindset stipulated by the Talmud, and one wonders why things are so bad in America, but the answer is simple, once again, the Jews have infiltrated the Government, and through association, have infected many politicians with this psychopathic mindset called for by the Talmud.
Hillary Clinton admits she follows the Jew:
This all began with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, which the Jews snuck through Congress on Christmas Eve, which provided the Jew bankers complete private ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank and total control over the US money supply, which allows them to literally steal money from the working man through taxation to pay the interest on money they merely printed out of thin air. They intentionally crashed the economy in 2008 so they would have a reason to print so much more money (to pay for the bailout they caused), and charge the interest on it to the taxpayer. By intentionally crashing the economy, they stole an enormous amount of money, but the victims are only Goyim of course. The extreme damage to the economy we see today is directly caused by the Jew privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. This is absolutely clear.
The Jews use this stolen money to fund AIPAC to bribe politicians for appointments to put only Jews in important government positions, making Jews very prevalent in American government. Now, you have the whole government, many people in public office, infected with and operating according to this psychopathic mindset of the Jew stipulated by the Talmud, and it is obviously damaging the whole country to an incredible extent with policy across the board.
Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank now, since it is the primary instrument the Jew is using to rob working Americans and to try to create a One World Government, also, DO NOT accept a One World Currency the Jew bankers will try to get you to accept after they crash the economy again in the next year or so.
Demand a backed American Currency, every sovereign nation should have their own backed currency. A One World Currency will only be another currency controlled by the Jew bankers to control and rob the Goyim, and turn the Goyim into absolute slaves, which is their most coveted dream.
The whole big problem is the Jews working together over the generations to subvert the Goyim.
The Jew will do this ANY WAY that works in all countries, but mainly they do it to the US because it is very easy to control it by coercing and bribing the corrupt politicians.
The Jews did 9/11 to get America to go to war for them.
Right now, the Jews got the Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation, own it completely, and control everything with it, printing money out of thin air to bribe politicians and do hit jobs like JFK.
Its money is counterfeit currency because endless amounts are printed out of thin air and given to the US government with interest, the interest is charged to the American taxpayer, but this currency has no real worth. It actually has negative worth, because for every dollar printed out of thin air, an interest payment must be made to the Jew Owners of the Federal Reserve Banking Corporation.
The Jews start all the wars to try to force countries to sell oil with the Federal Reserve’s worthless counterfeit currency, thereby forcing them to buy things with it too, and thereby forcing countries and people to borrow it at interest.
No one wants to sell goods and services for worthless, unbacked, counterfeit money, so starting endless wars is the only way to force countries and people to sell and buy with it.
Simply abolish the Jew owned Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation, and use a backed national or state currency, and national or state banks.
You are f*cked unless you abolish the Jew owned Federal Reserve Central Banking Corporation, because if you allow Central Banking to continue, or accept a World Currency devised by Central Banking, you will be enslaved by the Jew completely, and executed.
In summary:
The Jew psychopathic mindset called for by the Talmud has been infecting many people in the entire government ever since the Jew private ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank which steals money from the working man and uses it to bribe and coerce politicians to get Jews appointed to the most important positions in the government.
This psychopathic mindset of the Jew is infecting many politicians and is causing all of today’s problems in American Government, America, and the World.
Abolish the Jew privately owned Federal Reserve Bank and its counterfeit currency, and go to a backed American currency. Doing this will rid American government of the psychopathic mindset the Jew holds and that has infected many politicians, and it will stop the enslavement of the American working man by the Jew.
The Jews have a horrible effect on the mindset of the US Government.