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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  724 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Did the W-boson just "break the standard model"?

I, too, got excited about the Standard Model being impugned by the neutrino symmetry breaking result, but it was apparently retracted two weeks later. I never heard about the retraction until reading this article, another new "oh but this time...".

I think I'm close to done with caring, which is a pretty major reversal from my previous stance. Can't think of a way that proving the Standard Model wrong helps address any of the massive problems facing humanity right now. Yes, you have to be pretty brilliant to work on grand unifying theories, but we need as many bright minds as we can get for other more immediate efforts: Solar cell, quantum computing/cryptography, fusion, even climate change mitigation technologies that I'm super wary of. Devac, please tell me why I'm wrong :).

edit: Private sector-side braintrust is fine and necessary, btw, but the entire culture of what we all aim to do with our labor needs to rapidly shift towards better addressing climate change, which might involve incentivizing (for example) grand unifying theory transplants towards climate response team scientist positions, or whatever they'll be called. Maybe we can reduce geoengineering plans down to differential equations and coded language so everyone can feel like they're working in finance ("cooling" = "profit", "albedo" = "libido", "heat flux" = "market direction", "solar input" = "bullishness", etc.), but paid wayyyyy less. (y'know, I'm an ideas guy)

Devac  ·  723 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Today? God, I wish she'd finally stop abusing her ever-growing hate-boner for particle physics, take a swig of her own medicine, and do something else for a while.

Turning public attention towards science is what scientists have to do, regardless of their feelings on the topic. We're too far beyond the point where all you needed to explain breakthroughs in general relativity was a sheet of paper, and particle physics is GRĀ² if you account for how broad in scope is that field. Communication and making buzz are perhaps more important than ever. If it's what the money should be spent on, that's a different discussion.

More to come. Maybe.

    Yes, you have to be pretty brilliant to work on grand unifying theories, but we need as many bright minds as we can get for other more immediate efforts

Man, that's like making ophthalmology scribes design a new library because they're literate people who talk the least.