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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  922 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 13, 2021

Ya know what REALLY does my head in?

I have had severe hay fever for my entire life. Like, since I was a teenager, I had to take two Claritin a day from about March to October, or else turn into a sneezy, snotty, disgusting fountain of human fluids and misery.

Acupuncture flat out CURED MY HAY FEVER.

For about two months I went in for regular acupuncture on my knee, about 10 years ago. The practitioner asked me if anything else was bothering me, and I mentioned my hay fever, and she said, "Ok, I can take care of that, too." So November and December I got two treatments a week for my knee - and hay fever, apparently - and the next spring? All Summer? Into fall? Not a SINGLE DAY of hay fever symptoms. NOTHING.

To this day, no hay fever.

It is INSANE to think that sticking needles in my face/head can alter my body's histamine production/reaction circuits. That's just not rational.


(And I slacked off on the hay fever needles for a while, and ya know what? The symptoms resurfaced... until I told my new acupuncturist of my hay fever symptoms, and she started using those needle points again. Now the hay fever is gone again.)