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comment by wasoxygen
wasoxygen  ·  994 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 4, 2021

I told a neighbor we were going to Greece because we couldn’t find any place hotter without visiting a wildfire. Then wildfires broke out in Greece. Long afternoon siestas watching Olympics, napping, and reading In Xanadu in the hotel room support the This Is Fine hypothesis even when the sunset is blotted out.

c_hawkthorne  ·  993 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Not sure how planned your trip is or if you're even still there, but I hated Santorini and loved the islands of Paros and Naxos, Naxos more so if you only have one. Athens doesn't need more than a day either.