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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1273 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 28, 2020

I read a funny thing yesterday that basically said that Election 2020 might end up being Y2K: a non-event remembered as a punchline because hundreds of thousands of people successfully labored in obscurity to make it a non-event.

I am concerned, I am nervous and I am not letting myself be hopeful but all of my concerns are hypothetical "what ifs" much like they were in 1999. On the contrary, most concrete facts I'm exposed to are good news, not bad.

Had a dentist appointment this morning. My hygenist wanted to know if I wanted to schedule my next cleaning six months out, on the assumption we'd still have a country. I told her it doesn't hurt to plan. Then my dentist asked if I wanted to talk about braces and I said "after we're through 'this'" (waves hands) "and on the other side." "So, 2025 then." "Whatever it takes, man."

If the majority of the country were racist white people with no respect for germ theory I'd be a lot more concerned. As it is, the racist white people are a numerical minority which means any shift won't be permanent.

And the less they believe in germ theory the less permanent it will be.

steve  ·  1272 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Election 2020 might end up being Y2K: a non-event remembered as a punchline because hundreds of thousands of people successfully labored in obscurity to make it a non-event.

This thought has crossed my mind a lot in the last few days/weeks.