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comment by steve
steve  ·  1338 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Past Presidents can still get the top secret PDB (President's Daily Briefing)

I don't doubt that any of this is true.

I want to believe it isn't true.

I secretly hope this is true.

It reads like an amazing spy novel... or like a season of The Americans on a much more insidious level.

If it is even 10% true, our republic is in more trouble than any of us realize.

goobster  ·  1338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

US History classes in 15 years are going to be REEEEEAAAAALLLY interesting.

I kinda expect the whole Trump cadre to move out of the US at some point in the next few years, to a place that is more "friendly" to their type of business dealings and friends.

Oh Don Jr and Ivanka and the rest of the reprobates will still nominally have addresses in NYC, and gladly accept checks from Trump properties in the US... but I expect they will live the majority of their time outside of the US borders. In ... erm ... "friendlier" territories ...

That's the model many ex-Dictator's families follow....

steve  ·  1338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    US History classes in 15 years are going to be REEEEEAAAAALLLY interesting.

I certainly hope so... but my experience 30 years ago didn't include Japanese internment camps, Black Wall Street, or Stonewall... so I have little hope that 15 years will be enough time for dust to settle and truth to come out.

goobster  ·  1338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Same with me... but I think information is different nowadays. We are no longer solely beholden to the view of a couple of Texas conservatives who approve all history books in the USA.

Once Trump dies, I expect the FOIA requests will come fast and hard, and we will see some really interesting analyses of the full scope of his misdeeds, who were his accomplices, and the organizations that worked behind the scenes to control him...

Heck, we already have much of that for Paul Manafort, who was Trump's fixer in Russia...