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comment by kleinbl00

If Stephanie Kelton were an engineer, she would draw the free body diagram to solve the statics of the problem directly in front of her, and then argue that because the solution balances in her model, the rest of reality can be disregarded. "trade" is another word that does not enter this book. Considering the entire argument for MMT rests on the dollar being the world's reserve currency, you'd think there'd be some analysis about why, exactly, the dollar is the world's reserve currency, or what happens when transactions are entered in other currencies, or what happens when a currency's sovereignty is challenged, stuff like that. Nope. None. Nothing. The sun always sets on the British Empire, always has, always will, forever and ever amen. All other countries should read this book because they might learn something about how to run their countries. She actually says that.

I know about Albanian Mushrooms because of the War Nerd:

b_b  ·  1391 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I shared that War Nerd story, so I guess I did hear of it once upon a time. Not a scrap of recollection.

Not at all relevant to this discussion, but just because I haven't thought of the War Nerd in a long time. One of his blog posts about the genesis of Boko Haram sent me down a giant rabbit hole of reading a bunch of Chinua Achebe's books, which in turn got me reading a ton about decolonialization in general. He could do that. Style and substance all the way down. I miss it.

kleinbl00  ·  1391 days ago  ·  link  ·  

He does podcasts now. Probably pays him a middle-class lifestyle for the first time in his life.

I hate podcasts.