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comment by tacocat

The same day Arthur Laffer decides to remind everyone that he's a big brain boy who works for Trump now

b_b  ·  1413 days ago  ·  link  ·  


katakowsj  ·  1413 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes. Gov't spending doesn't work. The New Deal, federal bailout in 2008, federally funded roads, the armed forces, the EPA, NIH, anything .gov, are totally worthless.

The guy credited with the Laffer Curve can't believe his own statement. My guess is that by simplifying it to the point of absurdity, he "Trumpifies" the statement and is now able to refute reality because it serves him to do so.

b_b  ·  1413 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have a good buddy who was an army ranger. He told me once, "I hate the government." I was like, "Didn't you work for the government? And aren't they paying for your medical degree?" (I didn't get into anything any how he was raised by a single mother on WIC, because that's just mean.) He told me that he joined the army to protect the Constitution no the government. At that point I just nodded and changed the subject.