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comment by kleinbl00

...ejected from the farms and houses seized from Jews and Poles that had been slaughtered wholesale.

    By any measure, the postwar expulsions were a manmade disaster and one of the most significant examples of the mass violation of human rights in recent history. Yet although they occurred within living memory, in time of peace, and in the middle of the world's most densely populated continent, they remain all but unknown outside Germany itself.

That's because the Allies were busy rebuilding the area they were being repatriated into into the liberal democracies that exist today while the area they were being repatriated from was a Stalinist nightmare.

...aaaaand the people being repatriated were the losers of not one, but two existential wars that led to the deaths of about 100 million people.

Woodrow Wilson told Harry Truman that he could have vengeance or peace but not both. Truman chose peace.

When you need to turn this:

into this:

Shit will be grim.