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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1478 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 1, 2020

1) I'm getting over coronavirus. It sucks. Energy is low. Still coughing 5 weeks later. Pretty sure this will be with me for months; when I had pertussis it took six months to grow back my alveoli. It never got "oh shit" except for the three days where my lungs burned when I breathed in. Only ever time I dealt with that was when i gave myself pneumonia by sleeping in a painting booth overnight (0 stars would not recommend).

2) My mother-in-law is getting over coronavirus. Neither of us could get tested, of course. We spent probably a combined 10 hours trying. For her it manifested as laryngitis with a wicked flu. For that matter one of our midwives has been low energy with laryngitis since late December. Connecting the dots I got it from my wife (who had mild symptoms for 3 days) who got it from my daughter (who had the pukes for 2 days) who got it from her class (which had an eruption of a dozen or so mild pukes cases in February). All this marvelous language about ease of testing is purest bullshit; speaking as a healthcare insider who sees the internal memos, WA is really only testing people in dire health or those who have been around people who have gone to the hospital. I know of ONE PERSON who tested positive for coronavirus and testing was unavailable to one of our employees, who is his daughter-in-law, who was at a party with him all night the week before. She's asymptomatic.

3) Not that I know of. All the Olds I'm in contact with are okay so far. We ran a pulse-ox on my mother-in-law because she was complaining that her symptoms felt "exactly like altitude sickness" (which is a shitty place to be at sea level) but she rolled a 97% so we knew she was going to be okay.

4) I didn't think there was a chance in hell that anyone would ever want to watch a bunch of strangers cooped up in a house together ever.fucking.again but what the fuck do I know. Meanwhile we're an essential business and a healthcare facility so we're literally bracing for dunkirk. our nearest hospital L&D department has closed and the local EMS department is kidding-on-the-square that if things get dicey they're transporting to us not the other way 'round. Meanwhile three of our employees are former-student hustlers trying to roll three jobs into one income and their boyfriends/husbands are hospitality/construction/whatever so they're all freaking balls about money. One of them has already left her husband for beating her but she had to move back in because this is our life now. Another is probably getting beaten but she hasn't said anything about it yet so all we can do is be extra-supportive and ready to help her make a move.