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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  1475 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 1, 2020

Definitely feeling a lot better than last week :) It feels like I've passed some kind of threshold where the isolation life is just the new normal, and I've adapted. I now have lots of books to read, projects to do (I want to re-paint a wall in the basement, make a big papier maché lamp/orb, get a garden started, start composting in the yard, and who knows what else). My parents are in a 14 day quarantine because they've just came back from Cuba - I'm bringing them food from time to time.

I'm enjoying cooking, drawing, keeping the house clean. Yesterday, we went for a night time bike ride to ruffle through the neighbours trash (scored a couple milk crates, an old skateboard for my artist friends to paint on, and a new shelf for my plants). It was fun! Felt like an apocalypse gutter kid. I also re-upholstered a chair a friend gave to me with an old t-shirt and skirt. Never done it before and it turned out great in my opinion. Will post on the next craft thread. Glued up some wobbly stool we had, planted dill in an old sour cream pot, and got the bike ready for the season. Productive day!

Even not seeing friends is getting easier - they are more active on social media in general and the movie watching every few days is helpful.

If money doesn't become an issue, I can see myself living like this for a little while no problem.