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comment by Devac
Devac  ·  1538 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Inside SpinLaunch, the Space Industry’s Best Kept Secret

    I don't think building it underground gets you anywhere. Maybe if you hollowed out a cavity somewhere under 1 km of granite?

I thought it's done for thermal buffer and isolation, not just structural support of all the steel/whatever would make the chamber, no?

    too defeated for unicode today

I only unicode this easily because 3rd+ level keys are a thing. I chose right ctrl for my 3rd level, so making symbols like ² or ³ is RCtrl + 2 or 3, respectively. Plus it's much better than switching language layouts fifty times a day and comes with a buttload of nifty symbols (≤≥÷≠ßπµ).