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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  1579 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, How Has Your Decade Been?

The past decade:

I had a kid. She's rad. I wouldn't recommend having a kid if you value your personal time. It hasn't made me happier but I can't say that it usually makes me unhappier. I didn't want a kid but I didn't want my wife to say I ruined her hopes and dreams when we were sixty so I went along with it. She's an interesting challenge who is entirely too smart and persistent too allow any one to rest easy for long. I don't relish the prospect of arguing with a teen who is smarter than I am.

I opened a business. I can't say that I'm an ambitious business owner. I hate modern marketing, I have no online presence and pretty do everything I can to sabotage the modern Portland appeal. I'm a 90's grubby Portland coffee shop stuck in a modern era. People want natural edged countertops all cut from the same tree I give them a black and red motif (see Stendall) with no frills. For some reason people love me and I've knit myself into the lives of some of the best people in my community. They are going to tear the building I rent down in two years and I find I don't really care, I look forward to a career of ditch digging in my next phase of life or any other job in which I don't have to bite my tongue lest I suffer economic consequence. It's been satisfying watching two other coffee shops that sucked the modern paradigm dick go out of business in the neighborhood whilst I've trundled along in my ugly wart encrusted glory.

It's only become more apparent that I married well. I get along with my wife splendidly. We give each other space to be who we are despite annoyances and still amuse each other. People say that they can't be in a relationship because they don't have enough in common, those people are dumb.

I have continued to amuse myself for another decade, I suspect I'm better at this than I have ever been. It bodes well for the future. I have both become more comfortable in my psychosis and banished a few of my less desirable traits