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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  1717 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hi, Hubski! What's weird about your morning routine?

Nothing strange at all if keeping a strict schedule isn't weird.

The alarm goes off at 5:22, I get out of bed immediately, grab an outfit and go down stairs. I feed the cats. I go outside and smoke a cigarette while I check the weather and news.

I go back inside and attend to my bathroom needs and grooming. I get dressed. If I have food prepared I grab it. If I'm reading a book or need my laptop I scoop it into my bag.

I leave the house at 5:45.

I get to the shop 7 min later, grind and brew coffee, put the till in the drawer and turn on the open sign. I fill the bakery case and the bagel jars.

After I've been open for about 45 min to an hour I'll have a cup of coffee.