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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  1750 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: In Which "Fearless Girl" continues to not be about empowering women

    And in this case, there's no evidence that State Street ever intended to actually do anything for women. Which is important context.

But... that doesn't diminish the initial effect the piece had. It may have been made by cynical fucks for cynical fucking reasons, but - like you said - I've never heard of SHE or PXWEX or any of those others.

I have heard of Fearless Girl.

The artist's message and intent cut through all the BS, and continues to shine.

And, despite SHE's best efforts, we still know who actually made Fearless Girl, and who is actually responsible for those feelings we felt when we first saw it.