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comment by itstacotuesdaytom
itstacotuesdaytom  ·  1898 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I Cut the 'Big Five' Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell

I think her point was not so much our addiction to social media and technology etc but that we need more options from more companies and especially more options that allow us to have privacy. Which is its own important topic. For those who can’t completely not use these tech giants services (which is probably most or at least a lot of us), we can at least see how pervasive a problem it is. I honestly hadn’t realized a lot of this myself. I think she wasnt focusing on lifestyle changes because ive seen that discussed plenty of times but this was from the perspective of hey, we don’t even have options if we don’t use these companies.

But that being said i agree with you that the other important topic this brings to mind is how all these products/apps/websites etc influence our lives often in negative ways. I definitely think it can be very unhealthy and negatively impacts a lot of us. Esp social media. I mean i guess she did touch on that in the end when she mentions not picking up her phone right when she wakes up and living in the moment.