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comment by veen
veen  ·  1909 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 23, 2019

Had a communications training the other day with some colleagues from work. It was quite an intense day - most of it consisted of roleplaying scenarios with real actors in difficult scenarios, heavily reflecting on effective behavior in a work environment. The interaction with the actors in particular was difficult, but also equally enlightening - it's one thing to reflect on one's behavior, it's quite another to actually practice changing that behavior with a person in front of you whose goal it is to not let you off easily.

My biggest takeaway was that I too often judge my behavior by its effects on others (did they like it or not), instead of judging it based on how close I stayed to my values and intentions. I've always cared a disproportionate amount about how I'm perceived by others and worry far too much about negatively impacting others, but until last week I didn't realize that there was a way out of those trains of thought and doubt.

In other news - I finally got a less shitty bike, had a family photoshoot with my gf's family (relatively soon for us but I don't mind), and this week I realized I might need to learn myself some Autodesk Revit+ Dynamo because it's the future of urban planning.