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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1924 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Windows 7: One Year to Go

No, but I lived in that world back when Digital Signage Networks were a thing. At the time the idea was to keep running XPSP3 until the bitter fucking end because Vista was utterly inappropriate for what we needed it to do and nobody had any better ideas. In the end the entire thing was mooted by mobile phones and the whole craptacular spectacle went tits up before Win7 was released.

And maybe if they'd tried being a bit more essential they might have not had to walk into sales meetings with obsolete tech.

'cuz here's the thing: Win7 came out ten years ago. Win8 came out six years ago. So for six fucking years every Win7 sad sack has known that shit was coming to an end and the only real question was how far to drag out the inevitable.

I recognize that there are advantages to not running bleeding edge but there comes a time when you're dealing with lagging-edge detritus. If it works in Win7 but not Win10 you're going to need a new solution anyway because the tech that underlies Win7 is gonna die.