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comment by mk
mk  ·  1940 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Trump Discusses Firing Fed's Powell After Latest Rate Hike, Sources Say

Hyperinflation would follow. The Dems must retire this asshole ASAP. The weakest shit they could possibly do is figure that two years of Trump is a 2020 strategy. We are off the rails and on fire.

Unless they want to spend the 2020 term picking up the pieces of our Republic as they scatter to the wind, they better come out swinging in January.

Also, it’ll fuck up all those crypto “stable” coins.

kleinbl00  ·  1940 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hyperinflation is what the investment class is counting on. It allows the government to renege on all those pensions and entitlements and foreign debt and shit. Fuckin' Ray Dalio has been calling it "a beautiful deleveraging" because apparently he wants to be remembered as the Hugo Drax of hedge funds. People aren't generally informed that the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic started out as a deliberate plan to inflate away German war debt.

That said, the advantage of bureaucracy is you can smash it to bits a billion times over and it'll still keep ticking along because there are millions of apparatchiks whose function it is to connect this one tiny part to this other tiny part. Rome burned in 64AD and moved to Byzantium in 330AD but the bureaucracy it fostered has a twitter feed:

Obviously the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is not a path anybody would really like to follow but it's not like someone flips a switch and the world grinds to a halt.

I will admit I'm not super-happy to be looking up the Smoot-Hawley act and comparing it to Trump's tariffs. But I have more faith in the resilience of the system than you do, I think.