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comment by kleinbl00

Bich my redneck friends used to shoot at power poles all the time.

All the time.

My home town has burned down twice since 2000. This is why I'm not feelin' it: I grew up in an environment where forest fires were our greatest fear and fuckin' electrical equipment still got the marksman treatment. On the other hand, I had never seen exploding transformers until I moved to California, where 99% of the time it was the root cause of all blackouts and fires in and around LA.

PG&E faces an existential crisis: if they're at fault for the Camp fire, they go into receivership. If they can blame it on rednecks, they can continue to be a dysfunctional shitshow of graft and corruption masquerading as a public utility. Chances are they won't even have to fuckin' change.

Bear in mind: PG&E was the outfit that, when Enron said "yeah, for some reason there isn't enough electricity this summer" they said "well okay whatever you say Mr. Lay." They are shady fuckers and they deserve to be destroyed.

user-inactivated  ·  1958 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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kleinbl00  ·  1957 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The question is, how'd he find the guy?

'round my parts it was "any given redneck" "any given night" "any given reason."

user-inactivated  ·  1957 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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kleinbl00  ·  1956 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ahh that makes a lot more sense.
