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comment by HeroicGomez
HeroicGomez  ·  2041 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Hubski, how have the past 2 years been for you people?

Gave up improv and theatre. Also gave up an unrewarding uni administration career when problems came to a head. Even still between careers it was absolutely the right move.

I now run a lot. Races etc. Have lost weight and feel much better.

swedishbadgergirl  ·  2041 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Doing theater is one of the hobbies that I've stuck by the longest. I'm even going to be the leader of a youth group this year.

I've also gotten better at exercising, I try to swim three times a week, though its been more like two these past months. This fall I hope to do a bit more training at outdoor gym/obstacle courses. I recently tried it and it was rewarding working towards getting over an obstacle.
