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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  2095 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Original song: Code Blue, Pts 1 and 2

You’re a dick. I kind of hate you.


This is fucking amazing. I really admire your work.

Take care of yourself, friend. I haven’t been making much music lately and I’m suffering for it. I can generally trace any unusual sadness/depression directly to NOT making music. Even if I’m creative in other ways, it has to be music. It I have also found that if I go a long time without and then jump in head first for a stretch of time, remarkable things can happen.

This piece is remarkable, fuffle. I’m loving it.

Part 2 has me bobbing my head on the plane as I write this.

I’m poking forward to my third listen with some real headphones and no jet engines to compete with.

Solid work! Great songs.

Hug those kids. They’re getting big!


ghostoffuffle  ·  2095 days ago  ·  link  ·  


I know where you've been, I guess. Doing big things. But this place really doesn't feel the same without your frequent input.

I listened to the last song you posted the other night, it was great to hear what you've been working on. Hard enough to make something on my schedule, I can't imagine how little free time you have right now. So many conflicting demands.

This place is brighter for you being here, though. Keep up the momentum on all fronts! And if possible, post more music. I agree, for everything else we put into the world, art makes everything that much more colorful.

thenewgreen  ·  2095 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks pal, it’s nice to know I am missed. I have a hard time making time for my family etc and as such my hubskiing has drastically suffered. I can’t half

Do Hubski. I can’t skim it, I either do it or don’t.

I might try to record tomorrow night. Any suggestions for a song title? I’ll take it from there.