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comment by b_b

    ...it is best to be well educated about the course to take before attempting to solve a problem. Especially one as complex as addiction.

Isn't part of the problem of treatment that many people only seek it when ordered to do so by the courts? And the courts, lacking other options, just send people there as a matter of policy? (I don't know any facts and figures on that point--just know a number of people who were court ordered into 12 steps.) It seems like that system doesn't really allow for one to educate oneself very well before making a choice.

tacocat  ·  2187 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There are so many problems with treatment. That's a problem and there are more problems stemming from that problem. It's a shit show. You can take residential rehab as a plea option too. I'm here voluntarily was something I said pretty often in rehab because no one said go or you're dead to me, I wasn't court mandated and I wasn't putting on a show to try to get a pending felony sentence reduced to probation

Anyone who quits drugs quits in spite of treatment not because of it or through wonderful serendipity. And some people just drop that shit like a bad habit without any help. A large majority according to what I've read