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comment by Isherwood

For me personally, it's getting over the idea that money doesn't do good. I was thinking about getting a camel through the eye of a needle, which I think talks to a lot of our societal hangups - this idea that in being rich we can't achieve goodness. But I got to thinking that's more of a proverb against hording wealth. Like, if Bill Gates made all that money then sat on it until he died at which point his kids pissed it away, that wouldn't be good. But in making all that money then devoting his life to spending it to benefit people, his richness has done great good for this world.

He's going to die pretty much penniless, he's made sure of that in his will, and I still believe there's a value to that. But it doesn't mean he had to spend his life penniless - and what he's doing is a testament against the idea.

That's where my thoughts are at this point at least.