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comment by kleinbl00

    Hughes made other pitches, including a plan to fly over Texas in a “SkyLimo.” But he complained to Ars Technica last year about the difficulty of funding his dreams on a chauffeur’s meager salary.

    A year later, he called into a flat-Earth community Web show to announce that he had become a recent convert.

    “We were kind of looking for new sponsors for this. And I’m a believer in the flat Earth,” Hughes said. “I researched it for several months.”

    The host sounded impressed. Hughes had actually flown in a rocket, he noted, whereas astronauts were merely paid actors performing in front of a CGI globe.

    “John Glenn and Neil Armstrong are Freemasons,” Hughes agreed. “Once you understand that, you understand the roots of the deception.”

I'm having a hard time imagining a contingent that will be easier for a rocket enthusiast to disregard after the fact.

"Of course I told those morons I thought the world was flat. They gave me eight grand!"

It's also worth noting that he didn't make the Washington Post the last time he launched himself across the canyon.

mk  ·  2346 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wonder what flat-earthers would think of a scheme which involved buying a plane ticket to fly nearly 20x higher.

FirebrandRoaring  ·  2346 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The air transport companies are in it, as well, so there's no point trying that. I mean, they say you're flying over a globe, but how can you tell? You can't! So they must be lying.

user-inactivated  ·  2346 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No less funny either way.