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comment by bhrgunatha
bhrgunatha  ·  2383 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where's the Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works?

If anyone is on the fence about learning meditation, I'd really recommend you to start and to keep at it regularly. Better a few minutes each day than 2 hours on a Saturday. Habit is a very important part of meditation.

This article is only saying science hasn't studied meditation enough yet.

    t is looking to introduce rigor and balance into this emerging new field

Lack of scientific proof and lack of studies does not mean it's useless, it just means the scientific study of it is behind the practice. Literally by thousands of years in some cases. Meditation had an incredibly profound and positive affect in my life and I've seen it do the same for many, many others too. Think of it as a 401(k) for your mind. I know... anecdata.

    potential benefits of mindfulness are being overshadowed by hyperbole and oversold for financial gain

The big problem now is how to avoid the charlatans.

Not sure how to guide anyone here - I tried lots (and lots) of different practices over several years before I settled on one that felt "right" to me.

A few of guidelines though.

I would also avoid anyone who is only willing to teach you after payment. They are more interested in money than your welfare. Give them your money, time and effort later if you think they're worthwhile.

I would ignore any organisation established less than say 30 years.

Give it at least a month of daily practice. It's not long enough to alter the course of your life, but it should be long enough for you to feel some effect(s).

Some Buddhist group (of which there are thousands) is probably a good place to start.