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comment by cgod

Nothing about it sounds fair.

Free fucking country my ass.

It's the vases for a Police state that turns us all against one another until you realize that people you know and care about have had their lives and families shattered over a little bit of weed.

I've tried just about every drug or class of drugs there is and I enjoyed most of them. The worst that's happened to me is I had to throw up here an there and had a bit of a rough day after. Oh yea, I've been fucked around and threatened by cops but that wasn't the drug fault (I found the drugs on the sidewalk officer,that's my story and I'm sticking too it).

The best that's happened to me is I realized I was a vicious, petty, angry, violent and unhappy young man when the fabric if my mind and self was turned inside out and I was forced to realize that everyone is pretty much the same as I was and I needed to stop all my bullshit, get my life together and grow up. Thank God for drugs opening a crack in my wall and letting the commonality of man and a sense of humbleness and compassion into my heart.

User experience may vary.

The vast majority of people do drugs because they are enjoyable and really pretty safe.

A huge portion of drug use externalities could be ameliorated or eliminated by legalization.

I know two grandmother's that hated that devil marijuana their whole life. They tried some cream for aches and pains that has reefer in it and they are hooked. Doesn't make you high but it helps ease arthritis pain. One if them has her son smuggling it across the border.

Right now we are maximizing and inventing new negative externalities while suppressing the positive potential of many substances to the detriment of society.

I know of very few instances where a line of cocaine had a negative impact on anything but finances whic was anything but transitory except when it involved a police officer.

Sure we got a bunch of junkies and dead junkies to argue to the contrary but I'm not convinced that treating addiction as a police matter rather than a public health concern makes anything better.

Morally I'd say that the war on drugs destroys families, generates more violence, distracts us from productively addressing a public health issue, makes users supply more dangerous, helps justify a militarized police force with less respect for citizens rights and keeps me from getting the caliber of mind expanding drugs I as a mature and responsible adult would like to have access to.