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comment by Dala
Dala  ·  2412 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Collectski - Revere Model 88 Cine Camera

What is that creepy/neat looking machine?

See, I have seen old movie cameras at sales before and not bought them thinking I would stick to still cameras for my collection and now I am afraid the worm can has been opened.

steve  ·  2412 days ago  ·  link  ·  

it's a pretty standard, japanese knockoff 8mm camera. It's a little special (but not at all unique) because it has a three lens setup. You just swivel the mount to choose which focal length you wanted (tele, wide, standard). Pretty standard on older film cameras (before zoom was a thing).

and of course... history repeating itself:
