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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  2422 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Northern Lights in Ohio? Sun Storm May Ramp Up Auroras Wednesday Night

Yuge CME confirmed. I'll walk back on my earlier words, the best viewing will probably be on Friday evening for us in the 'states.

ACE data from Lagrange point 1 says that the CME from Monday's flare hasn't even arrived there yet, and you'll need at least two hours after it hits ACE to see aurora. Tonight won't be bad viewing, but Friday will be spectacular. Friday's aurora may actually be too far south of you, still dunno about that B-field direction, but this CME about to hit should give us an idea. I guarantee that there are some folks in the spaceweather modeling and forecasting communities working around the clock right now. Besides me, I mean (quals tomorrow, lol).