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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  2437 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 'Boomers don't have a monopoly on self-righteous Millennial hate

Step one to looking like a dumbass: Failing to even offhandedly define where you're drawing your line in the sand for the birth years constituting millienial vs. Gen X, etc. before making sweeping numerical comparisons.

Step two: Considering yourself a member of the only generation not 100% detrimental to society.

    It’s not those who stormed the beaches and won the war, nor the hula-hooped millions who followed, nor what we have coming out of the colleges now—it’s Generation X that will be called the greatest.

There are plenty more steps, but I'm done, because I suspect that exactly no one around here needs any convincing.

edit: hahahahha, you should click on Rich Cohen's name and see his collection of previous "work"

kleinbl00  ·  2437 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I totally did. I've been meaning to read the Marlon Brando one.

In fairness, "generations" are pretty wiggly. It isn't so much when you were born, it's who your parents were - if you were part of the Baby Boom after WWII, you grew up during the Long Boom and are a Baby Boomer. If you are a Baby Boomer, your kids are Millennials. If you were born before the end of WWII, as in, you were born anywhere from the Roaring 20s to 1945, you are the "Silent Generation" and your kids are Generation X.

But even that gets nice and preposterous as I am squarely Generation X but most of the kids in my high school were Millennials while my wife counts as half GenX, half Millennial because her dad was born in '45 and her mom in '46.