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comment by thenewgreen

Nah, You're very helpful. Every time we have a conversation we learn more about how to effectively communicate what we are doing and what we aim to achieve. All of those early conversations have gotten us to where we are. Every time I'm confronted with the "why would anyone want to live longer" reply, I have a fast answer now. -Because of you!

I'm excited to get Denver up and running. I'm sure we will be back there soon!

steve  ·  2478 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    You're very helpful

I don't think that's actually true... although after being an asshat, I tried to be a better foil and less of an idiot.

    I'm excited to get Denver up and running. I'm sure we will be back there soon!

As always, 'twould be great to see ya'll