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comment by kleinbl00

My roommate enjoys following Iraqis and ISIS on Twitter. He likes to show me video of tunnel bombs and snipers nearly killing people. Last night he showed me a map of ISIS-held territory in Mosul as of about 0600GMT. Little red crescent up against the river. "That's about from here to King Taco," he said.

    This may have been a last desperate counter-attack by 50 to 100 Isis fighters which drove back three Iraqi government units that were advancing on the last Isis strongholds. Iraqi commanders now say that their forces are “tens of metres” away from eliminating Isis and the Joint Operations Command said “our units are still continuing to advance ... Not much is left before our forces reach the river”.

I'm a rationalist. I believe in shades of gray. I do not find that history contains much in the way of pure evil. But I also think that very, very few people will look back through the long lens at ISIS and mourn their demise.