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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2499 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Young Men Are Playing Video Games Instead of Getting Jobs. That's OK. (For Now.)

I was having a conversation with one of my buds the other day, because he's worried about the next generation of awkward kids not that geek and gaming culture has become popular. What once was a safe haven for them, isn't so much anymore. So I told him, now is the best time for those kinds of kids to pick up "real hobbies" (I use quotations because I still think comics and games and whatever are real hobbies) such as camping, folk art, collecting something obscure such as bugs or stamps, starting a film club, anything. They're gonna have something that's theirs, intimate, and unique, and if they do things in the right way, they can beef up their resume a bit. I'm not in HR, but if I was, and I saw that someone had "Officer of Local Historical Society" on their resume, I'd put it in the interview pile. That strikes me as someone worth talking to.

So I'm starting to wonder, maybe now is the time to encourage people to put down the controller and pick up some other hobbies. They can be just as fun, just as challenging, and potentially, more rewarding, because they might lead to attaining skills and knowledge that can be used as leverage towards getting a job someplace cool, like a museum.