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comment by bhrgunatha
bhrgunatha  ·  2508 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your Memories Aren't Your Memories

When I was 4 we moved to Singapore and a family who lived nearby had a small pet monkey

While I grew up I remember - extremely clearly - when it escaped and climbed up onto a neighbour's roof and I was worried because it was howling and screaming .I was scared it would come into our house and ... well I don't know what I thought it would do but obviously mad, screaming monkeys in the house are undesirable.

Some years later after we'd left Singapore I spoke to my mum about it and indeed there was a family with a pet monkey, but it had never escaped and run amok, although it did climb up onto their roof once, but I never saw that - I only heard about it.

That set my head spinning. I couldn't imagine how something that I remember seeing so vividly wasn't true.

I can easily understand how people can have different opinions or misremember details but to completely fabricate a memory like that? As far as I know I don't have any other completely false memories but it makes you wonder, not just about your own memories but other people's too.