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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  2524 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Can We Learn About Privacy From Porn Stars?

Wow, that was a messed up story, any way you slice it. Inevitable, for Big Porn to go up in flames. And the industry has always lead the entertainment and media in foretelling many future trends, but you prolly knew that. The YouTube advertisement revenue assassination, the FCC bullshit, these terrible superhero re-reboots, etc., we're so almost there. Very shook up.

But no, sorry, what I was talking about is some playgirl/boy CEO of a billion dollar company simultaneously doin' it live, streaming it for free 'cuz they get off on having an audience of several million. On the reg. And they manage no immediate negative repercussions, maybe for a decade or two. Then as they left their sexual prime, that'd be a whole 'nother weird thing. Huh, sounds like a movie.. heyyy waiiiit a tick.....

Paragraph 1 + paragraph 2 + world affairs = After Jared & Ivanka are mistakenly sent back into the past by the world's first time machine (of their own inventing, naturally), they end up unifying every Germanic tribe in 200 AD Poland shortly before participating in a holy orgy of mass political offense. All recorded on the new GoProfuckyourself. Before they can return home, the thumb drive is lost inside of Adam Sandler's ass, who appears in every shot, clinging to one of the camera or audio booms, actors, or props. Although Sandler's ass is agreed to be the ideal storage system, the closest hospital is in late 17th century St. Petersburg, and Peter the Great's upload speeds are throttled to shit. But the shit-covered USB thumb-drive.. hahahahahh ok, I'm sorry guys, I'll stop