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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: U.S. Drops Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb on ISIS Target in Afghanistan

Long text I just sent a buddy with the same request:

    Carrier fleets have to be somewhere. Might as well go scare North Korea, especially if you're trying to distract people from domestic issues.


    and the GBU-43 is just barely a bomb. It's more like a length of pope full of explosions that you kick out the back of a C-130 with a drogue chute. It's not the sort of thing you use in disputed airspace.




    "length of pope" is an awesome phrase


    What we're watching is an administration with no coherent foreign policy attempting to distract the country from very serious, very persistent allegations of corruption by a foreign power. The average citizen doesn't understand how serious this is: Trump isn't a Republican and the Republicans are currently calculating how much they can get done working with him vs. how much they can get done with the shame of an impeachment. It's not a clear nor easy choice.


    And the consequences of impeachment are more dire than anybody is really talking about. If the Trump campaign colluded with Russian intelligence to disrupt a federal election, that's legit high treason. That's still a capital offense on the federal books. Shit can go so sideways so easily for everybody at 1600 pennsylvania and most of the people they know.


    Your mom's friend Gene Lyons pointed out that if the Russians thought it would go this far, they never would have left so many fingerprints. What we're observing is pretty much a colossal scandal with no upside for anyone and an extremely hazy outcome. thus, "send troops to somewhere, if we can keep this out of the news for a couple days we can buy time."


    Don't worry about North Korea. There's no upside for anybody (anybody) by having that war get hot.

But remember - I said Trump wouldn't bomb Syria.

(edit: his question was whether we were trying out the MOAB to see how it worked prior to dropping on North Korea's nuke sites. Which you can kind of solve by inspection. But that's why it's mentioned.)

am_Unition  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·  

TL;DR: biiiig bada boom. [end transcript]

This is the best song anyone will ever write about Kim Jong Un.

Edit: did anyone make it to the lyric "Oh, the irony, I'm born in 1984... or '83, whatever, who the fuck knows?".

Also, a few years ago, we convinced another intern that Kim Jong Ill was a rapper, who had just put out his magnum opus, "Ill 2 Thrill". We also convinced this intern that hotkeys were a keyboard feature for keeping your fingers warm on those cold winter days, so you don't really need to worry about it in Texas. This intern didn't get offered a position the next summer.

I don't think this model of paying you back for legitimate knowledge(ish) with shitty anecdotes is sustainable, but sometimes a circle dot just isn't enough.


kleinbl00  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    This is the best song anyone will ever write about Kim Jong Un.

You're kidding, right?

(man that movie was a cultural nadir in so many ways)

am_Unition  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Die Anoher

    audio de-synched from video by at least several hundred ms

    uploaded: 2013

    2.8+ million views

    the video

nooooooooooooo, mk, we need downvotes, noooooooo

I remember not getting to see that movie because of my conservative parents. Well, thanks mum, I died another day. No, it's not even funny, I can't end on that. Ok, see ya later.

kleinbl00  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Be charitable. It's dozens of milliseconds at the most.

user-inactivated  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Why do I get the feeling he is going through a book and treating it like a menu. Seal Team! I want one of those where can we go! Yemen? sounds like ISIS speak. do it. Tomahawks? Lets FUCK THEM UP WITH Tomahawks. Aircraft carriers? Let's move A FLEET OF THEM.


Note to all: this mission with the MOAB has been in planning for months all the way back in the Obama Administration. Still, I like my version better.